Needless to say, they can be quite helpful and help relieve some of the tediousness present in the game. These are things like your newly caught Creo becoming fully healed immediately or your Creo healing as you travel around. Each level up you will get points that you can spend to buy player abilities. As you play your character gains experience and levels up as well. Something I didn’t expect was the existence of Player Levels. You also get to choose your name and the name of your sister, which is nice. You choose between a male or female protagonist model. There isn’t a lot of customization, at least in terms of looks. Anyways, let’s hop into EvoCreo and see what it has to offer! Because of that similarity, I’ll warn you now that I will be comparing the two frequently in this review. The game focuses on Monster Collection and battle, much like the Pokemon series of games.

As with a great many indie games in recent years, EvoCreo got its start with a Kickstarter campaign started by Ebrahim Behbahani. EvoCreo is a 2D RPG developed for Android and iOS by IlmFinity.