Download Google Play Store on Xiaomi Phone by using Google Installer APK.Allow Downloads from unknown sources on Xiaomi Phone.The procedure for Installing Google Play Store on Xiaomi Phones using Google Installer APK can be broken into the following two sections. If Google Play Store is not available on your International version of Xiaomi Phone, the only way to install Google Play Store on your Xiaomi device is by using Google Installer APK. The easiest way to install Google Play Store on a Xiaomi Phone would be to search for Google Play Store App on Xiaomi’s own MI App Store. Install Google Play Store on Xiaomi Phones While the international version of Xiaomi phones can and should include Google Apps, it is not uncommon to find Google Play Store and other Google Apps missing in Xiaomi phones sold for international market. Uninstall any Chinese apps that can be removed from the phone by tapping and holding their app shortcuts, then dragging to an Uninstall option at the top of the screen.In place of Google Apps, Xiaomi offers its own alternative Google like Apps and has its own App Store known as the MI App Store. Use the Search option to find Home screen search bar, then toggle this off.Remove the Chinese home screen search bar For each affected app check the relevant options are enabled. If there are any other apps that refuse to operate correctly on your phone, or for which you realise you have not received any notifications for a while, it is almost always a Permissions, Autostart or Battery Saver issue. Toggle on Autostart and remove any Battery Saver options, then allow all permissions under the Privacy section.